I’m running for State House because I believe we need elected officials in St. Paul who work for all of us. Not just the well-connected few. Pick a topic to learn more:
+ Education (Pre-K & K-12)
- Fully & equitable fund our schools
- Close the achievement gap and ensure kids are ready for kindergarten
- Expand free, voluntary pre-K to every Minnesota child
- Provide proper funding to ensure small class sizes
- Encourage parental and community involvement within our schools
- Streamline paperwork requirements to allow teachers more time to focus on educating our children
- Enhance co- and extra-curricular programs
- Fully fund special education
+ Higher Education
- Lower tuition and administrative costs
- Fully support our state colleges and universities
- Allow students to refinance school loans
+ Jobs and Economic Development
- Support job training and placement programs
- Expand start-up business grants
- Crack down on employers who commit wage theft
- Check corporate greed and corruption
- Support workers' rights to collectively bargain
- Expand broadband to all of Minnesota
- Fight for fair scheduling rules
- Support Defined Benefit Pensions
+ Seniors
- Ensure access to public transportation and senior services
- Expand affordable housing and tax breaks to keep seniors in their homes
- Support medical care for seniors that fits their budget
- Support policies that help seniors stay in their homes (such as policies that lower property taxes)
+ Bring People Together to GET THINGS DONE
- Advocate for open and transparent governance (no more back room deals!)
- Promote programs to make government more accessible (more information for constituents!)
- Work across party lines to move our state forward - who cares if something is a Republican idea, a Democrat idea or an Independent idea, etc.; let's work together, find good ideas, and put them into action!
+ Environment
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Expand green energy (wind, solar, biomass, etc.)
- Increase investment in state and local waste and drinking water infrastructure
- Ban "Conversion Therapy" that do nothing to make anyone safer and only endanger our LGBTQ+ community
- Oppose so-called "Bathroom Bills"
+ Childcare
- Fully fund the Child Care Assistance Program
- Work with childcare providers to remove barriers to opening and running a program
+ Housing
- Make housing more affordable
- Ensure diverse housing options are available
- Support bonding for affordable housing
+ Budget
- Foster a fair budget and tax system
- Build up budget reserve or “rainy day” fund
- Continue to reduce red tape and streamline operations
+ Healthcare
- Give all Minnesotans the option to buy into MinnesotaCare
- End one-time handouts to the insurance companies and instead give discounts directly to consumers
- Support women's rights to make their own healthcare decisions without interference from politicians or their boss
- Give the Attorney General tools to hold price-gouging drug companies accountable
+ Veterans
- Secure a robust system of health care and veteran services
- Enhance programs that support veteran-owned small businesses
+ Infrastructure
- Implement a 21st-century funding mechanism
- Support a comprehensive transportation package to meet community needs
- Expand Northstar to St. Cloud
- Work to build a third lane on I94 between St. Michael and St. Cloud
- Support public-private partnerships